PO Box 255
212 1st Ave E
McIntosh, SD 57641
Phone: 605-273-4416
Cell Phone: 605-581-8051
Email: [email protected]
Weed & Pest Supervisor – Craig Hunter
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN this 2nd day of April, 2024 pursuant to SDCL 38-22 as amended to all owners, occupants, agents and public officials in charge of lands in Corson County, South Dakota, that they are responsible for the suppression, control, and eradication of noxious weeds and declared pests infestations that may exist on such lands.
Chemical, biological, and / or cultural control methods used for the suppression, control and eradication of noxious weed and declared pest infestations shall be those approved for such purposes by the Corson County Weed and Pest Supervisor, Agronomy Weed Field Specialist or the South Dakota State University Experiment Station.
Upon failure to observe this notice, the county weed and pest board is required to proceed pursuant to the law and have the noxious weeds or declared pests destroyed by such methods as they may find necessary, the expense of which shall constitute a lien and be entered as a tax against the land, and be collected as other real estate taxes are collected, or by other means as provided by law.
Plant and animals designated as being noxious weeds and declared pests in the state of South Dakota are Absinth Wormwood, Canada Thistle, Hoary Cress, Leafy Spurge, Perennial Sow Thistle, Purple Loosestrife, Salt Cedar, and Gypsy Moth.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that upon establishing probable cause to believe a noxious weed or declared pest infestation exists upon any property in Corson County, a representative of the Corson County Weed and Pest Control board will enter upon said property for the purpose of inspecting and confirming that such infestation actually exists.